Thursday 30 September 2010

Audio uploading.

Half way through one of our meetings, last week, Mr Wroe suggested that we record our meetings and put them on the blog. Easy!.. Get my phone open up a note and press record, and thats when the easiness ends...

As the audio had saved in a .wpi format, a new format for me to be dealing with and not a format my computer would recognize. So I was trying lots of different solutions that the world of google was suggesting to me, none of it worked until I found a post on a website where they recommended to use frhed - free hex editor Frhed is an binary file editor free for Windows. Where you can extract files out of it and save it in a different format. I will do a post later explaining how I got the audio from it.

>> As you can see from the picture a very complicated way of getting the audio.
But WIN for Matthew, now back to it being easy... Oh wait what should be soo easy justo upload and embed audio on to blogger is a nightmare...

I have signed up for soo many things in the last week just to try and embed our audio on to a post, but NOO none of them work, just now my inbox is full of me signing up for all these things..

I'll probs end up putting them into video format and embed it that way, but i will keep searching just, so I can know for the future..

Numbers everywhere! - MS

The bomber mindmap whiteboard

On this mindmap we thought about the character we were going to have in our production and their motive for wanting to blow something up. This fits in with the storyline Matty and I came up with

PG and having to go back to add something to beginning of my inititails - MS

Possible storyline whiteboard

This is a potential storyline Matty and I came up with after school. We came up with this idea after thinking in detail about the bombers character. We also felt it fitted in with what we had discussed as a group earlier in the week.


Reasons why people bomb mind map whiteboard

We also thought of motives that would lead someone to becoming a bomber.


Wednesday 29 September 2010

what our teaser could involve whiteboard

We created this mindmap with all of our group present on recording. We have split up all of the parts we that we were considering for our film into the different places they could appear in the teaser trailer. There is also a drawing of the sort of timer we had imagined and also an area where we started writing ideas down ideas about the bomber.


Bomb myth storyboard

Click on the picture to make it larger..
During part of our media lesson, as our initial idea we have a bomb, so we decided to write down all the things we can think of to do with bombs, what the represent.. the myths behind it, just whatever came into our heads when thinking about bombs.

Using the whiteboard is a really useful way of getting ideas down with out having to write it all up..


Group Work

Today was the first day in the group where we all were present for our group meeting. What we did today was try to start to build up a story line because we had many good ideas but we were not linking them together before.

How we did that was brain storm ideas and try and find links to bring all the good ideas together. We first talked about talked ideas on how the teaser trailer should start.

So we were suggesting many different beginnings. We then had a look in how the middle parts of the teaser trailer links well with the beginning. We then talked about how we could end the teaser trailer on a dramatic note which would excite the audience and make them want to watch the movie.

We have done a voice recording of our meeting and we have a picture of us our ideas on a white board. Hopefully we will have that on the blog soon!

I feel as a group we are moving into the right direction. We have got the ideas and we are starting to link them together to make a plot that we can eventually film. We have still got quite a lot of work to do but we on track at this present moment.


Methods of Interrogation

One of the things we were talking about within group discussion was the idea of an interrogation and potentially torture so I went away and researched different types. Whilst in the discussion phase I suggested water boarding because I had recently seen it in a film and I know a little about it, and the general response was a positive one. After looking on Youtube I came across this one in which you can vividly see the methodology of the process and how we can maybe replicate such.


Tuesday 28 September 2010

Idea 2

My second idea went on more of a revenge plot. This is where a man who has just come out of prison and is hoping for a fresh start in his life. But he quickly realises that will not be able to happen as he finds out his girlfriend has left him, his house has been sold, his friends have deserted him. So now he realises he has nothing, no money, family, friends or anyone to help him. He also finds out the girlfriend is now seeing another man.

He then takes a move for the worst as he sees there is nothing for him here. His plot is to get revenge on everyone who has reined his life. That is from family and friends to police and the ordinary public. He sees everyone now as an enemy. This is where he would work on plotting many bombs and trying to kill as many people as possible. The teaser trailer is showing the world through his eyes and how the world betrayed him and how is ready to make the state pay for what they have done to him.

My inspiration for my idea came through the high profile killings of Raul Moat. He went on this killing spree because he lost everything which mattered to him. He wasnt afriad
to die.

The group thought that this idea could be an interesting idea to explore. They would see the looking through his eyes (the killer) an interesting way of presenting him. It would test the emotions of the audience of how they react to that side of a story by seeing it through the killers point of view. but we will have to see how that could pan out.


Idea 24

As a group we were looking at possible ideas in trying in making a teaser trailer. We know the point of a teaser trailer is to get people interested in a film which is coming out within the near further. So as we were trying to get a plot together we came up with ideas for our teaser trailer. Through our meetings we were looking at maybe going down the torture type trailer or a terrorist type bomb going off where the people are running against the clock to try and stop the bomb.

My first Idea of this was to some line of going down the show 24. It is an action pack drama which has all the elements that you could ask for. The teaser trailer here is a bit long but it makes up for it in the drama the excitement that the show generates.

Also 24 runs in with the clock idea that we had. The FBI have to try and beet the clock before the next piece of disaster hits America. That is what they are trying to prevent all the time. The clock then plays an iconic part in showing what the FBI are running against. At the start and end of every show this is what the audiences sees and which has become so iconic over the years.


Monday 27 September 2010

Production Company Logo

Another idea Matty and I came up with today was the idea to create our own production company logo and animation. We felt this would be a good way to show other technical skills within our production. We looked at Video Copilot (an after effects website) to get ideas for possible animations we could use.

We also considered the idea of changing our production name.


Ideas from meetings

We have been recording our last 2 meetings using a microphone. Matty will be posting these onto the blog, though I beleive he is currently trying to find a website that will allow him to embed it into the blog.

In these 2 meetings we have been talking about ideas for the storyline behind our teaser-trailer. We felt it was more important to have the plot of the story rather than just coming up with a script for the trailer as then if we decide to change anything we'll be able to look back at the plot and make changes that would fit into the storyline.

One plot that Matty and I came up with today was an action based film starting with a terrorist calling MI5 and making demands wanting "his companions to be freed" under the threat that if they dont he'll blow up a bomb in the centre of London. We felt this plot would allow us to build tension up throughout the trailer with the use of my "countdown" idea (i.e seeing the bomb clock ending on 0:00 as the last shot).

I don't think this is our confirmed storyline yet but it is a base for us to work from.


Friday 24 September 2010

Matthews Initial ideas

Idea 1. Realmares

Marlon Mcenzie is an ordinary 17 year old boy, accademitly archieving, with a bright looking future ahead of him, however for the last few weeks, Marlon has been experiencing horrific dreams of people being tortured, screaming for help. Asking for help for these nightmares, they are just pushed aside and proffesionals claim Mcenzie is suffering from a mental disorder.

But as these nightmares get more tense and horrifying, the realism of these events are too much for Marlonn to handle, with no one to help, Marlon sets out on a journey to clear his head, although once nightmares soon become reality as Marlon faces them, leaving Marlon the only one able to do anything.
Is this something Marlon can wake up from??

Group feedback...
Would have to show effectively show his dreams and emotions from them.      > Could show at the end of each nightmare him waking up, suddenly like the eyes shooting open, him sweating, out of breath.. which would show fear.

Could incorporate factors of Inception idea into it.
     > Like the idea of going into the nightmares.

Might be Hard to show in the form of a trailer to make people want to watch..
      > Trailer could include several of the nightmares, split up with shots of him waking up, show aspects of a journey taking place, e.g running, cycle ride.. etc.

Idea 2:

Jack Williams to a normal looker is an ordinary teenager lad, however noticed in early life, MI6 hired and trained Jack up to be one of their top undercover secret agents. Followeing his life as he is called to action. However a missions comes up far too close to home, one what will effect  him mentally and physically as he is called to save the victims of torture - His friends  and family.
Follow Jacks' emotional story in his film.

Group feedback:
How could we make this into a trailer:
Possibly show a young kid, like at a karate school, just showing talent, just like the stages of his life.
Showing adventure, with like him in a bike chase, running..
Him being set a mission.


Tuesday 21 September 2010


I chose a Spooks trailer as although it is a TV programme, there are lots of things that make it similar to a teaser trailer.
- It is only 40 seconds in length
- There are lots of short shots packed with action
- Ends in suspense with person saying "We will have revenge!"
- Says "Coming soon" at the end

I would probably take from this clip the way they have packed the middle with 4 action moments using the words "do it" in the same way as someone would say "Go" at the start of a race. They have used a huge explosion at the end to help slow the pace down. I also think that the violence they have used should be possible to reproduce in our own clip.


Difference between trailers and teaser-trailers

A teaser-trailer will be shown long before the film is released to inform people that it is coming. The idea of them is to get people interested in the film and not the plot of it. They do not use footage from the actual film and its aim is to tease you (as suggested in the title). They are usually 30 seconds to 1 minute in length and will give a release date and a website so that people can track the development of the film online.

A trailer which will be shown about a month before the film is released. It will be much more specific giving the audience an outline of the story and introducing the main characters. Shots from the film will be used to give the audience a sneak preview. They tend to be around 2 minutes in length which is long enough for the film company to entice you to come and watch their film. It will also say a release date and a website at the end.


Countdown Idea

During our group discussion today we considered the idea of having a bomb clock count down to build suspense throughout our teaser trailer. During the day I remembered previously watching a trailer which had relevance to this idea.

I especially liked the way they used fast shots and the constant sound of ticking in the background and feel we could include these techniques in our teaser-trailer. I feel we are unlikely to show the clock continuously but we may instead show quick reminders of it between our other shots.


The Da Vinci Code- Teaser Trailer

This is an interesting and creative way of making a good teaser trailer- without showing a single shot from the film itself.

It starts as what seems the norm is with opening credits of companys involved... e.g. columbia, these commonly involve using dark backgrounds thus making it easier to merge into the next scene fluently.

It then merges into the footage, which lasts for about a minute, where it then it starts the information about the film what lasts for around 40 seconds, where the tag line of the film, name of the film, main actors, director until eventually at the end it reveals when the film will be released.


Teaser trailer Conventions

A teaser trailer is a short series of film clips intended to entice the audience about an upcoming movie and to begin hype on major films

The typical conventions of a teaser trailer usually are:

* That they are usually between 30-60 seconds long

* Contain the minimum amount of footage from the film, so it just teases audiences

* Released long before the film is released

* and the pace usually is fast or starts slow and picks up