Wednesday 29 September 2010

Group Work

Today was the first day in the group where we all were present for our group meeting. What we did today was try to start to build up a story line because we had many good ideas but we were not linking them together before.

How we did that was brain storm ideas and try and find links to bring all the good ideas together. We first talked about talked ideas on how the teaser trailer should start.

So we were suggesting many different beginnings. We then had a look in how the middle parts of the teaser trailer links well with the beginning. We then talked about how we could end the teaser trailer on a dramatic note which would excite the audience and make them want to watch the movie.

We have done a voice recording of our meeting and we have a picture of us our ideas on a white board. Hopefully we will have that on the blog soon!

I feel as a group we are moving into the right direction. We have got the ideas and we are starting to link them together to make a plot that we can eventually film. We have still got quite a lot of work to do but we on track at this present moment.


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