Wednesday 30 March 2011

Next Poster


Next Poster

After getting some feedback from the group and the questionnaire I have changed the font of the catch-lines to the same font as the title, "Terminator 2". I have also decided (after looking more closely at the conventions) to add a website link. I chose not to use our real web page address and it was too random, therefore I have put an address that is empty but would be a likely name we would use had we actually produced the full thing.

I am now going to try out putting the actors names into it and possibly mention PPM Productions.


Bomb Beep Sound

I was given the task of obtain Bomb beep sounds by the group and from HOURS AND HOURS of searching the web, the best ones I found were on this website. I Havnt decided which one i like best for the mouse over on the web page.

Although... I do like the 4th one on the page

No Worries, CW

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Final Presentation

I have edited some of the text regarding genre conventions and explaining the teaser samples.
I feel that this is rather obvious and could also result in the presentation lasting too long.
There were still a few grammatical errors which have been edited.

Final Magazine Cover

The total changes that I have made are:
1. The title is fictional as opposed to Total Film
2. All of fonts are now Sans Serif
3. The title/tagline of the magazine are now in 3-colours
4. The "green" behind the picture of Jonathon is now more blended into the yellow of the explosion - this wasn't mentioned yesterday as there were complications regarding the Openzine software
5. The main headline now directly address the image of the star in the explosion i.e. "Who is behind..."

I also got feedback regarding not being able to see the main headline and also the price. The black and red fonts are now in locations that make the text more visible. Also, the price is a more realistic £3.00.

Poster Questionnaire

I have now created a questionnaire regarding the poster and its design/layout etc. This is the link for people who want to take it.


Monday 28 March 2011


I have now finally added the correct font onto the poster, changing the title and adding "SUMMER 2011" in the same font, smaller underneath. I have then slightly readjusted the two catch-lines we have on there so the spacing looks right. This may be the final poster, though I am going to create a questionnaire to get feedback and see if other people feel I need to change anything in particular.


Magzine Cover - Latest Draft

This is the latest draft of my magazine cover.
This will be amended later today/tomorrow

Latest Prezi Presentation

This is the latest version of my Presentation on Teaser trailer forms and conventions
This will be amended later today/tomorrow

Thursday 24 March 2011

Feedback on our Website.

okay.. So today Connor and I today presented what we had done with the website to the class, so heres the feedback we got from the media class (There will be further feedback when soon, when we get replies to our questionairre..

1. Looks much better than what it did before.
2. Get rid of the red bar at the bottom..
3. position the count down timer in like a bomb image..
4. Have a red boarder round the main content of the page
5. Position the social networking buttons better.
6.The font looks really good
7. The roll over images are good.

The right Honourable MS... and CW

Website design

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Damn you after effects,. Damn you!!

Soo at the moment I have been trying to render the cctv shot from after effects and put it into Premiere.. BUTT NOOO.. it hates me! It just crashes when rendering.. AHHH!!! 

Also Patricks Camera has the worst video format what my computer can't open up at all and keeps freezing premiere..

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Columbine Tragedy Mr Gray HW

This is the prezi presentation that we made Piyal and Patrick.

Filming Today

Today after school our group met up in town outside the Said Business School to re-film the walk when the bomber enters the building with his briefcase in hand. We did this due to the feedback we received once we had shown our draft to the rest of our class. They felt Conor had a limp in his walk in this scene which was a distraction to them focussing on the teaser trailer. We therefore filmed the scene again with a different actor (who didn't have a limp) making improvements to the quality of the shot at the same time. We also added another shot in which Conor and our other actor "Abbz" exchanging the briefcase, which will be added in before-hand.

We will now look at these shots on the computer and see if we can make them work together. Also some plans Matty and myself have talked about involve a possible zoom in black-out for one of the titles to show good transition skills.

Post by PG

Filming: Happy Birthday MS, PM and CW

2nd Presentation of chosen evaluation question

I have made the ajustments as laid out in the previous post.
I have replaced the Speed trailer with the Faster teaser which has several good points of comparison with our teaser

1st Presentation of chosen evaluation question

This is the first draft of my Prezi presentation for one of the evaluation questions.
The improvements suggested by Mr. Wroe are:

1. Need to refer specifically to teaser trailers
2. The videos need to be teaser trailers NOT full length trailers
3. Label each teaser trailer with the title of the film
4. Grammatical Errors

I will amend and then post the new presentation today.

Sunday 20 March 2011

3rd Draft Magzine Cover

I have made the changes suggested by Mr. Wroe and I outlined in my last post.

One of these have been to the title - Blockbuster sounds like a magazine that would be similar in content to Empire and Total Film and would meet their conventions i.e. would celebrate film rather than criticise; look at big budget films not just arthouse cinema.

I have changed the grammatical errors and finally the colours so all of the text was move easily visible

2nd Draft Magazine Cover

I have made the following changes to the first draft of my magazine cover:

1. Image - I wanted an image that reflected the action-thriller genre. I chose an explosion as a bomb is at the heart of the film. Given the events of the past week, I had to carefully choose my image so that it would not be offensive. I also was not keen on the old image as it didn't reflect what is happening in the film.

2. Star - I needed an image of the "star" but as Jonny is not recognised as a celebrity, I thought it would be interesting to mix him into the explosion. This also mean't I had to change the headline to reflect the "mysterious" nature of a brand new star. It is a more Unique Selling Point than the original poster image.

3. Tagline(s) - I wanted to link this in into the image. As it is difficult to see who the star is, the tagline should reflect this. The other taglines are generic film magazine taglines that are more interested in promoting films rather than challenging or criticising them.


1. Change the title to a fictional one.
2. Change the colour of the taglines so they are more easily visible
3. Grammatical errors.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Website research (True Grit)

So right from the off (The website for the film True Grit) you are subjected to the movies soundtrack, shortly after you are confronted with the Trailer for the film and then after you have dismissed/closed this it has a continuous soundtrack continuing from the film.

Asides from the music the website is pretty simple, it has links to Reviews, Photography and the other standard things from movie websites and it is a very generic film website.

Things I like:
The Slogan ''Punishment comes in one way or another'' which fits nicely with the soundtrack which has the like ''Tell em' a gods gonna cut em' down'' and the typography of which is very good.

The dynamic bulletholes which you see appear on the website with blood coming out of them.

Things I dont like: It is very generic and it has all the things which other websites have.

BUT, what this means for our project is that we don't nessacerily have to deviate from this standard form for a website and just change it according to our genre. but also we can add more things specific to our film which could even set us ahead of the quality of this particular production

CW, happy MS?