Friday 17 December 2010

Matthews personal challenge.

OK, so apparently teaser trailers, should only include very limited amount of footage and be 30 seconds-a minute(ish)  as we have already established. However it seems even the big production companies, seem to be changing the face of teasers or just labeling trailers wrong.. Universal pictures for one, ran a  advertising campaign on YouTube to advertise their latest film 'Fast Five' Now it clearly in the advert said TEASER TRAILER (I should of got a print screen, it was on the main banner on the youtube homepage, as well as on some independent video pages and searches, so ya know must of put a fair amount of money into it), as such does it on the video title! So I'm  like oh another teaser trailer for me to look into and research, but NOOO its full of footage, over 2 mins in length!- I have been taught that defines a TRAILER, not a teaser!

So yes this has led me, to try and keep the traditional meaning of a teaser trailer alive. So I've had an idea of creating an after effects masterpiece, where very little if any footage will actually be used. The idea I have at the moment, is focusing on the idea of the bomb, so like the teaser follows the parts of the bomb and like along each bit of the bomb is like something to do with the film..

E.g. Along the red wire could have a chase sequence, which runs into the next part of the bomb e,g. the clock.

So yes thats what I've been thinking, I hope it isn't just my brain being like, ohh lets come up with an idea to avoid revision!.. Hopefully that will still be done!

disgruntled customer MS

Wednesday 15 December 2010

First Draft feedback

Today we showed a VERY rough draft of our teaser to the rest of the class. To get feeback on how we could improve. Here is what was suggested...

It was suggested that we maybe not include the production title logos at the beginning, beliving that teaser trailers don't include them, however from the research I have found, that most do actually include them and normally at the beginning. I also think it shows editing skills.

During the chase scene, some were left confused at the editing of the shots, that perhaps we should do an over the shoulder shot (show more of the person against the walls face). We explained we had framed it like this as we had filmed it in Oxford, but wanted to imply it was a London location, we felt that if we showed too much, that it may be clear that its not in London..

The bomber walking into the building. The choice of clothing was considered not appropiate, that he should of actually been in a suit, looking more office like.

Include transitions to change from one shot to another. E.g. Zooming in on something on one clip, then zooming out of something the same colour. E.g like how we did in our AS prelim task where, we opened the brief case onto the camera to a black out so we could include the titles over. SHMOOOTH.

Fast paced with a beat music was also suggested.

Using a digital clock.. Although this has always been our original idea, to include the clock ticking throughout, with the sound of the beap, and like a heart beat.

It was also thought we could include some kind of tint to images, e.g a green tint to connote action, or a red tint to connote danger..

This is all valuable feedback, what we will use to improve our text.

Yours Sincerly MS

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Rough Video

Since the last post we have been a bit busy. We have now filmed some more of the chase where Matty jumps over a wall. We have also filmed Conor walking into a building carrying the suitcase holding a bomb. We added these scenes onto the macs at school which Matty then took home with him to edit. On the way back from school I went to Matty's house to see how he had gotten on with the editing and was surprised to see it looking a lot better than what I had thought considering the fact we still had 6 or 7 more scenes still to film. The draft managed to show the rough outline of the story and included a voice over by me (which will not be used in the final piece) and no sound as we felt we needed to decide on sound that matches the piece rather than just putting in any random song just for the sake of it.

This is what Matty has pieced together for the draft ready to show to our media group tomorrow.


Friday 10 December 2010


Ok, it's been a while since my last post so I decided to give an update and say where we are at the moment. As Matty said before we have put all of our clips we have filmed so far onto the macs. However we are struggling to edit these clips as they are not in order so we need to wait until we have completed all the filming before we can fully edit. Therefore our aim for this weekend is to complete the filming of the scenes we have not yet completed.


Monday 6 December 2010

The hatred of the macs begin.

So today, we entered the Mac room at school for the first time this project, its own little electric heater, keeping us warm from the freezing weather, but that's where the positives stop.

OK so right there surely must of been an easier way than how we did it. But we plugged in Patricks Camera, clicked import videos from camera.. But NOO, it has to bring up every single video on Patricks camera, what dates back to filming our opening 2 minutes last year. So OK wait for a several minutes, while it gets thumbnails for all the pointless videos we don't need, then when it finally lets us chose the videos we want to import, but then thumbnail images weren't even created!! So we had to manually find the videos we wanted. THEN we had to check box each clip we wanted imported, which took ages, then Import them what took even longer, fair dos' we did have 22 minutes HD of footage.. but STILL!..
tut Imovie TUT.

Anyway I thought that rant might interest you, but the main point of this post was to explain what we did, so today we mainly just wanted to check out our footage, on a screen different to the cameras 4 inch screen, Which doesn't show the whole picture (quite literally) it cuts part of what the lens actually captures and you only find out you have extra stuff when it comes down to editing but also it does not show the full extent of any shake, reflections etc ( like what we found when looking at the phonebox shots.) Yes so we looked at them and had a look at editing the shots we did on Saturday with Jonny (the chase and push against wall)

So yeah that is all, seemed to have some good shots, we could use, but I'll stick to the WINDOWS programs, I know.

My name is Matthew and I made windows 7. MS

Saturday 4 December 2010

How to make a link bar

So as you can see we have a link bar at the top of our page. Amazed.. I thought so.
Now I decided to add this as it makes viewers to find particular things on our blog more easily, rather than searching through a whole load of posts.

So you want to know how I made it. Ok so this is not an easy thing to do, but follow my step by step guide and you'll be an owner of your very own one. This took me a long time to make, so yeah be kind!



How to Make a Link Bar for blogger

Hard to read download a copy of the original document.

and make sure Macros are enabled in word so you can read the scroll down boxes.

Karate CHOP!-MS

A policeman called me Unfit!

So today MS, PG and PM, got down to doing some filming of some shots today we did some shots of a chase and the crash against the wall. I had to be an actor, as we couldnt get anyone else. So We had the legend himself Jonathan (Jonny) Nesbitt dressed up as an MI5 agent and me in a hoody running away and being pushed against a wall.

So we were filming on the side road next to the town hall, with a police car parked outside (probs protecting it from us ugly, badly-dressed student rabble. But yes after a few takes with Patrick producing a smooth hand held shot while riding along on his bike while Jonny chased after me. So yes a police man got out of his car to check what we were doing, had to explain several times, not a 'TEACHER Trailer' but a teaser trailer, he then said something about covering the camera with a line of T shirts or something ( He May of Recognized us from the protests)..  Then he decided to say I was Unfit.. How rude!!

But yes this post is just to tell you we managed to get some good shots done today. Thank you Jonny for helping us out, I would of normally got a picture of the filming process, but I didn't. I apologise.

Peaceful protest! MS

Friday 3 December 2010

Filming tomorrow (04.12.2010)

As Patrick has already layed out we have filmed a few shots so far.
CCTV, CCTV footage, Phone box, Kick open door.

But that leaves several shots to do, Now my personal feeling towards this is due to time constraints, we just need to get the shots done, even if we go out at a later date, to film them again in a different location, different actor etc, thus making a draft teaser, just to see how our shots will look like, which we can then improve on for our final piece.

It has taken us longer than our teacher would of liked, but its because we have tried to plan absolutly everything we want to do, to give us the best possible plan of action in making the film. So just making a rough edit, even if the characters and the location isn't right we can show the class, basically the idea, get feedback to allow us to go and improve our filming shots get extra shots etc..

So we have a plan for doing filming tomorrow, to get as much as the shots as possible. For example at the moment we can't make good use of Patricks basement, so even if we film it somewhere else, we can get an idea of what kind of camera shots we could use, so when we can eventually film in Patricks basement, we already know what kinda shots to do.

This is just a rant -MS

Thursday 2 December 2010

Possible titles

From my research into teaser trailers I have found that the text which is used in teaser trailers that looks superimposed on the footage (I.E. THIS SUMMER, ONE MAN) is called ''Boards''. In the begining of media films you would hold up a board to the camera an then edit that into your film. A sort of vintage blackout screen. I decided to come up with idea for our groups work so that we could potentially use such methods in our own film. these are:
''What would you do?''
"No Demands"
To be continued

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Filming we have done so far

So at the moment we have done the location shots in London of the tall buildings, also we filmed clips of Conor in a phonebox for the anonymous phonecaller conversation between him (the bomber) and the government agent and today we filmed the clip of the CCTV operator watching the CCTV footage which we have filmed seperately to edit in.