Wednesday 15 December 2010

First Draft feedback

Today we showed a VERY rough draft of our teaser to the rest of the class. To get feeback on how we could improve. Here is what was suggested...

It was suggested that we maybe not include the production title logos at the beginning, beliving that teaser trailers don't include them, however from the research I have found, that most do actually include them and normally at the beginning. I also think it shows editing skills.

During the chase scene, some were left confused at the editing of the shots, that perhaps we should do an over the shoulder shot (show more of the person against the walls face). We explained we had framed it like this as we had filmed it in Oxford, but wanted to imply it was a London location, we felt that if we showed too much, that it may be clear that its not in London..

The bomber walking into the building. The choice of clothing was considered not appropiate, that he should of actually been in a suit, looking more office like.

Include transitions to change from one shot to another. E.g. Zooming in on something on one clip, then zooming out of something the same colour. E.g like how we did in our AS prelim task where, we opened the brief case onto the camera to a black out so we could include the titles over. SHMOOOTH.

Fast paced with a beat music was also suggested.

Using a digital clock.. Although this has always been our original idea, to include the clock ticking throughout, with the sound of the beap, and like a heart beat.

It was also thought we could include some kind of tint to images, e.g a green tint to connote action, or a red tint to connote danger..

This is all valuable feedback, what we will use to improve our text.

Yours Sincerly MS

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