Sunday 30 January 2011

Inception Teaser Trailer

Alright, so I wanted to start analysing what I felt were good teaser trailers and find what exactly I thought was good about them, for Inception:

Sound - There is a constant beat throughout the whole clip which is very deep and echoes for a while, sounds like a fog horn. This goes in time with the transitions. There is also a screeching sound which starts from about half way through and helps build up the tension as it gradually increases in volume. There is no diegetic sound, all sound has been put over the top of the footage

Camera shots - The opening shot was a medium shot of a metal spinner (a key symbol used in the film), it is sharply in focus whilst everything around it is blurred, highlighting its significance.

We were then shown a few snippets from the film involving a birds eye view of a city and an introduction to the main character (Leonardo DiCaprio).

Later on there is another fairly simple shot of a glass of water starting to shake which is used very effectively like the opening shot of the spinner.

After this we are then shown 4 other shots which are used in the final film. These contain action scenes which we may not completely understand at first viewing or without seeing the film.

Editing - From what I can tell so far the editing is the most crucial part in the making of a good teaser trailer. Not only does it involve selecting the right parts to effectively tease the audience without giving away the storyline but it also is responsible for building up tension in an extremely short amount of time. This is achieved through music selected, sound effects, transitions, fonts and the general presentation of the teaser. Also what the teaser trailer chooses to say in its running titles has an effect on what we are inclined to think about as we view it for the first time.

Over-view - The main reason I feel this teaser trailer is effective is due to the fact it hasnt tried to over complicate the storyline. They have used only a few shots, the music and sound effects work well together building a beat and they have kept a dark theme with bold silver titles throughout to create consistency.


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