Tuesday 11 January 2011

Revision time!.

So at the moment the group haven't been updating the blog, due to it being exam time, so we are all focusing on revision for our exams, Well Conors probally doing revision on minecraft during the night and sleeping during the day, but thats a whole different story!. .

So basically lots of updates. I haven't done anything on my plan to create a teaser without using any 'real footage', but I will get round to that eventually after the end of January. I also had this idea, that the digital timer we are planning on using, transforms into text. e.g 00:00:01 will transform into 'whatever the title of the fom is'.. So yeah just an idea we could implement, which could make the titles look more exciting and more relevent to the genre of the film, this could also be done with the text on the poster so, its like digital number in text form.. Make sense?. .

Its also been the time of the year where all my real year people come back from uni, to come and see me!!..
So I've been to the cinema twice with them, seeing 2 very different films. Basically one being one of the worst films I've ever seen and the other being one of the best I've seen for a very long time. These 2 films are Gullivers travel and 127 hours.

I will start with the worst 127 hours.. HAAA NOOO I JOKE. The worst one is really Gullivers travel, Now I obviously didnt choose this film, despite it apparently being a comedy, just its trailers, reviews were all crap.. So ya know wasn't expecting much.. Ohh understatement of a life time there, the special effects were poor, When Gulliver was meant to be big, he never looked like he was in the scene, it was clear that it was green screening, and they even did the rule one mistake of not aligning his feet up with the floor some of the times so he was floating at times.. In comparison with this though, days after watching Gulliver, when flicking through the channels I ended up on 'Honey I blew up the kid', now incorporates similar effects, of having the child really big. But even though this was done in the 1980s the effects were amazing, they actually managed to make me feel that the child was actually in the scene and that he was actually a 50ft baby.. Why couldnt gullivers travel manage to do this?.. Also 'comedy' more like wannabe comedy, it just tried to hard to be funny it failed.. miserably. I don't think I laughed once during it.

Rant out the way, now on to the praise. 127 hours, Now I think this is a much cheaper production, not using well known stars. I also went into the cinema, being pessimistic thinking that it won't be very good because its not a comedy. But it was amazing, the story line, the realism, the simplicity of it all. It felt like a home movie in a good way, that you could really relate, really connect with the characters.. Now at times just him being stuck in a hole with a boulder trapping him, did drag on.. One of my friends slept for like 30 mins and really didnt miss much. The shots it included in it, weren't all 'ohh I'm an amazing camera man, I can do lots of complicated stuff' but simple but effective for realism, lighting and colouring added to the effect. I would highly recommend people to see this film.. even if you're like me and only watch comedys!..

Ohh yeah I was doing revision, better get to it!.. MS

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