Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Inside Movies Magazine Cover - Final Version

This is the final version with a couple of superficial changes:

1. The font size has been increased across the board wherever possible and so it doesn't interfere with the design
2. The colours of the sub-headlines have been changed from red to white as it wasn't fully visible with the flames in the background
3. The word Blockbuster is in caps to emphasis that this is a big Summer film and will be a conventional blockbuster. This helps the audience decide what type of film this is.
4. The green has been slightly lowered and made lighter so it now blends in better with the background whilst not losing the visual of the face in the flames. The green is virtually invisible.
5. There is now a better use of the space outside of the facial image. The Daniel Radcliffe picture has been raised with the headline underneath increased.
6. The website is also bigger and has been raised from the bottom of the page. I felt that there needed to be a more obvious link to the website.
7. Small grammatical errors have been ammended.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Poster Evaluation

This is the presentation I used to go along with my evaluation of the poster.


Thursday, 7 April 2011

website feedback graph

Conventional website

Unconventional website

  Audience feeback!!

Survey monkey http://www.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_Responses.aspx?sm=NoKxfmXqe%2bq3NXUhm1YV6yV0tjElesZPWrdxq8QW9H8%3d

What they like...
"its nice, very clear, very professional."

"simple and effective"

"The background image and the colour scheme looks very sleek and professional".
"countdown clock"

How to improve.
"more content on the homepage"

"Maybe a bit more text about the movie, but nothing else really."
"Theres no actual tabs to other pages! Do those!"

Un shmooth evaluation videos

Soo yesterday we stayed in school for a very very long time, until like 6pm crazy.. just doing one part of our evaluation. Answering all the questions on the teaser.. Now these are the trimmed down videos.. but they're not perfect I was just trying to basic editing done just to get them edited in time. Its also hard when Premiere keeps on not responding and playing the videos Jerky to me.

(Intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HTJiNxQS84)

(Conventions - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egqTuBh0G3Y&feature=related)

(Synergy! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN9hYo0rQcU )

(Audience feedback - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sln4FgXtggM&feature=related_ )

(Media Technologies - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzanVvdSJgo&feature=related)

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Next Poster


Next Poster

After getting some feedback from the group and the questionnaire I have changed the font of the catch-lines to the same font as the title, "Terminator 2". I have also decided (after looking more closely at the conventions) to add a website link. I chose not to use our real web page address and it was too random, therefore I have put an address that is empty but would be a likely name we would use had we actually produced the full thing.

I am now going to try out putting the actors names into it and possibly mention PPM Productions.


Bomb Beep Sound

I was given the task of obtain Bomb beep sounds by the group and from HOURS AND HOURS of searching the web, the best ones I found were on this website. I Havnt decided which one i like best for the mouse over on the web page.


Although... I do like the 4th one on the page

No Worries, CW

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Final Presentation

I have edited some of the text regarding genre conventions and explaining the teaser samples.
I feel that this is rather obvious and could also result in the presentation lasting too long.
There were still a few grammatical errors which have been edited.

Final Magazine Cover

The total changes that I have made are:
1. The title is fictional as opposed to Total Film
2. All of fonts are now Sans Serif
3. The title/tagline of the magazine are now in 3-colours
4. The "green" behind the picture of Jonathon is now more blended into the yellow of the explosion - this wasn't mentioned yesterday as there were complications regarding the Openzine software
5. The main headline now directly address the image of the star in the explosion i.e. "Who is behind..."

I also got feedback regarding not being able to see the main headline and also the price. The black and red fonts are now in locations that make the text more visible. Also, the price is a more realistic £3.00.

Poster Questionnaire

I have now created a questionnaire regarding the poster and its design/layout etc. This is the link for people who want to take it.
