This is the final version with a couple of superficial changes:
1. The font size has been increased across the board wherever possible and so it doesn't interfere with the design
2. The colours of the sub-headlines have been changed from red to white as it wasn't fully visible with the flames in the background
3. The word Blockbuster is in caps to emphasis that this is a big Summer film and will be a conventional blockbuster. This helps the audience decide what type of film this is.
4. The green has been slightly lowered and made lighter so it now blends in better with the background whilst not losing the visual of the face in the flames. The green is virtually invisible.
5. There is now a better use of the space outside of the facial image. The Daniel Radcliffe picture has been raised with the headline underneath increased.
6. The website is also bigger and has been raised from the bottom of the page. I felt that there needed to be a more obvious link to the website.
7. Small grammatical errors have been ammended.