Tuesday 23 November 2010

Bomb electronics.

So basically, we need a bomb. Conor our bomb man, has been researching bombs, how they look, how they're made etc. So we realised we will need some electronics to make it look like a real bomb.

So theres this electronic dump hidden away in school, full of gadgets that work, but the school have to throw away, they don't give them away, sell them donate them. So they are just throwing away thousands of pound worth of stuff, to get obliterated by the British weather. So the good green people we are, we decided we could make use of this equipment and absolutely destroy them to get the insides out. So after a few blood fought fights with it (well it just attacked me-MS), we got our beauties. Circuit boards, batteries, wires.. etc.

Have some pictures.
Circuit boardo


Lots of wires.

messy table


More wires

5,6,7,8 it stabbed me in my little finger so.

I also feel we need to smash up a digital clock and rid it of its pointless plastic shell. So we have a timer. :)

too casual?-MS and You lost the game- CW ohh and PG

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