Tuesday 16 November 2010

Videos from London.

Not the real footage, but MY footage, to visually show Patrick the ideas I had in my head. So here they are for you to see my mind as well.

We originally thought a pan up/down would be ideal, like in a way of, it could be this building, or this one, only the bomber knows, but it was only when filming we realized it would be better to do a pan around shot to show to show the devastation the bomb would cause if it went off in any one of these buildings.. which are below..

For some reason, my phone decided to freeze, mid filming. Clever phone.

Obviously these shots are far too long for a teaser trailer, So Patrick and I, decided it would be good to speed up the shot, or just flash part of it up randomly in the teaser. The shot could also represent a man looking up at all the building trying to find the right building, and realising the difficulty of the task ahead.

kerching - MS

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