Wednesday 9 February 2011

film poster research

As our genre of our teaser is action/ thriller there was one thing which came to my mind researching an actual film poster and that is Casino Royale.

This is a really good poster to look at for many reason. Every aspect of this poster works means something and the attention to detail makes this poster work so well.

So we first see the Facial Expression it looks quite intense, serious and a face of thunder which means business. Bond is dressed in a stereotypical bond outfit. But it also a loose tie which might mean that is going to become a rebel and not play by the rules. He is seen as a focused guy on a mission and he wont stop till the task is done. His body language is not directly at the audience but more to the target and looks like a man to not mess around with. He doesnt look happy and he looks determined to get the job done which we can see through his facial expression and his carrying of the gun.

We also see the Bond Girl in the background. As other films he always has his lover for the film but she isnt you typical Bond girl. She looks serious and seems to be a character who isnt easy to work out if she is playing Bond or helping Bond. But looks like she will play a big part in Casino Royale.

It also has the release dates and the credits at the bottom telling us who produced this film. It has the movie company also put in on the bottom right. It shows that there has been a lot of detail put into making this poster. Covering a lot of the aspects which made it so successful in advertising Casino Royale.

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