Sunday 20 February 2011

Visual poster feedback

OK so basically, I thought Conor and I would visualise for Patrick what our feedback on his poster, and how adding a little bit of colour and an action shot could do there first draft of a poster.

So obviously this was done very quick just as an example, to show the others. But we think just the tiny but of colour we have added to this poster, gives it just that little bit extra that it was lacking.
we havent fully managed to show what we mean by having the red flashing light at the bottom ( like the flashing light you see in films with bombs).. we wanted it so that it would give some glow.. to the 'Summer 2011', which we havent quite managed in this quick attempt, but we hope they will get the idea of what we mean.. If they did think it was a good idea.. obviously it would be done alot better, than me just using shapes..

Also the action shot image of someone running, kinda works, but somethings not right about it.. we wanted it too look like the runner was coming out of the shadows.. but we're sure we can get a better picture for that, but we defiantly think its better than just having lots of text there.

At the moment, we think this draft lacks emotion, so that the audience aren't drawn into the tense emotion that the film is about, As we mentoioned about in the post about unstoppable so we think on how to improve this we could add real emotion to the poster.

Yours Faithfully - I hate that it makes people sounds like they are servants. MS and CW

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