Sunday 6 February 2011

Poster Research

As I have recently analysed the inception teaser I thought analysing the inception poster would make sense in preparation for our ancillary task.

What does it show?
We can see the 6 main actors standing in the middle of an American street. The road behind them suddenly directs upwards rather than flat as normal. The title of the film is written in big bold red writing across the bottom of the poster. The lighting seems to be quite bright behind them and as you get closer to the front it gets much darker. It also shows the release date.

What effect do these things have?
By having the lighting change across the poster has the effect of directing your eyes towards the title of the film. The title has been written that large as this is arguably the most important content in the poster as they are trying to sell the film to people. Also the use of perspective and lighting both subliminally make us look towards the bottom of the image where the title is. I think it is in red to stand out and also due to the fact red symbolises many different emotions. The fact they are holding guns is the only hint to the fact it is an action film.

What can I take from this?
The title is the main focus being very big and is in a different colour to stand out from the image behind it. It shows the main characters of the film, in a location used in the film.


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