Wednesday 23 February 2011

Four Lions Website Research

Carrying on with my research into the designs, layout and styles of websites, I decided to take a look at 'Four Lions'  Its not really our genre, its more of a comedy, but its an Action Comedy, so its close enough!..

 YAY!.. On the outside it looks like a much more realistic website to make for us, than what the other 2 websites I have analyzed so far.

 The main thing what catches your eye straight away is the large image of the creepy crow with a bomb attached to it looking around, its a little fuzzy being a flash video on repeat. The image is meant to add to the genre of the film being a comedy, but it gives me the shivers!.. It would of been cool if like you could interact with the Crow, like the head would follow the mouse around, or you could click on it and it will flap its wings and squark at you.. Thats always fun for a few minutes at least!

The content of the page  all flys on from the sides into the final positions, the text does dissolve in before flying accross though but its a very quick process. Shmooth.

On the homepage there is very little information, and all the content it does have is majority in the middle of the screen. It is largely dominated by a bright green Radial gradient with the white center making the content in the page more reader friendly. The designers of the site have played the risk card, using a slightly darker green colour for the links, which works well, just.. the last link (Reviews) you can just about see. The links are slightly different to the other websites I have looked at, having a where to watch link.. (Do people need to be told that)..As with the other films websites, it also incorporates rollover text links, what change colour when mouse is hovering over them. The website also like the others they center and try and direct the audience to buy the dvd/blu ray.. (Do people really check film websites, if they want to buy it, surely if they were looking to buy, they would just go straight to Amazon)..

 The whole site is just ONE page, clicking on the page, just changes the content on the page, well not the whole page, the main image of the crow remains there looking around in the same place, while the title and the buying the dvd/ blu ray image move to the top of the page, while 'On DVD and blu-Ray August 30' and the link bar moves down, to make way for the content go into the middle of it. Clever.

Right next to the title are 4 black silhouette images of 4 still action shots, Exciting.. but not only that, placing your mouse over an individual image, and BAM..  the individual image does a little action.
The first guy with a rocket launcher- fires a rocket up and past the Crow.
The second guy, sitting.. rasises his arm up..
The third guy, with the briefcase does a crazy little run..
The fourth guy, fires a cartridge of bullets into the air..
Now this links with the film because these actions actually happen in the film. So its not just any random images, its a marks and spencers image.. ha no but they are related images and actions.

Sooo.. Its Half term, yet I've the only one who posted on this blog.. wheres the commitment lads!! MS

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