Tuesday 26 April 2011

Inside Movies Magazine Cover - Final Version

This is the final version with a couple of superficial changes:

1. The font size has been increased across the board wherever possible and so it doesn't interfere with the design
2. The colours of the sub-headlines have been changed from red to white as it wasn't fully visible with the flames in the background
3. The word Blockbuster is in caps to emphasis that this is a big Summer film and will be a conventional blockbuster. This helps the audience decide what type of film this is.
4. The green has been slightly lowered and made lighter so it now blends in better with the background whilst not losing the visual of the face in the flames. The green is virtually invisible.
5. There is now a better use of the space outside of the facial image. The Daniel Radcliffe picture has been raised with the headline underneath increased.
6. The website is also bigger and has been raised from the bottom of the page. I felt that there needed to be a more obvious link to the website.
7. Small grammatical errors have been ammended.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Poster Evaluation

This is the presentation I used to go along with my evaluation of the poster.


Thursday 7 April 2011

website feedback graph

Conventional website

Unconventional website

  Audience feeback!!

Survey monkey http://www.surveymonkey.com/MySurvey_Responses.aspx?sm=NoKxfmXqe%2bq3NXUhm1YV6yV0tjElesZPWrdxq8QW9H8%3d

What they like...
"its nice, very clear, very professional."

"simple and effective"

"The background image and the colour scheme looks very sleek and professional".
"countdown clock"

How to improve.
"more content on the homepage"

"Maybe a bit more text about the movie, but nothing else really."
"Theres no actual tabs to other pages! Do those!"

Un shmooth evaluation videos

Soo yesterday we stayed in school for a very very long time, until like 6pm crazy.. just doing one part of our evaluation. Answering all the questions on the teaser.. Now these are the trimmed down videos.. but they're not perfect I was just trying to basic editing done just to get them edited in time. Its also hard when Premiere keeps on not responding and playing the videos Jerky to me.

(Intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HTJiNxQS84)

(Conventions - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egqTuBh0G3Y&feature=related)

(Synergy! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN9hYo0rQcU )

(Audience feedback - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sln4FgXtggM&feature=related_ )

(Media Technologies - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzanVvdSJgo&feature=related)

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Next Poster


Next Poster

After getting some feedback from the group and the questionnaire I have changed the font of the catch-lines to the same font as the title, "Terminator 2". I have also decided (after looking more closely at the conventions) to add a website link. I chose not to use our real web page address and it was too random, therefore I have put an address that is empty but would be a likely name we would use had we actually produced the full thing.

I am now going to try out putting the actors names into it and possibly mention PPM Productions.


Bomb Beep Sound

I was given the task of obtain Bomb beep sounds by the group and from HOURS AND HOURS of searching the web, the best ones I found were on this website. I Havnt decided which one i like best for the mouse over on the web page.


Although... I do like the 4th one on the page

No Worries, CW

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Final Presentation

I have edited some of the text regarding genre conventions and explaining the teaser samples.
I feel that this is rather obvious and could also result in the presentation lasting too long.
There were still a few grammatical errors which have been edited.

Final Magazine Cover

The total changes that I have made are:
1. The title is fictional as opposed to Total Film
2. All of fonts are now Sans Serif
3. The title/tagline of the magazine are now in 3-colours
4. The "green" behind the picture of Jonathon is now more blended into the yellow of the explosion - this wasn't mentioned yesterday as there were complications regarding the Openzine software
5. The main headline now directly address the image of the star in the explosion i.e. "Who is behind..."

I also got feedback regarding not being able to see the main headline and also the price. The black and red fonts are now in locations that make the text more visible. Also, the price is a more realistic £3.00.

Poster Questionnaire

I have now created a questionnaire regarding the poster and its design/layout etc. This is the link for people who want to take it.



Monday 28 March 2011


I have now finally added the correct font onto the poster, changing the title and adding "SUMMER 2011" in the same font, smaller underneath. I have then slightly readjusted the two catch-lines we have on there so the spacing looks right. This may be the final poster, though I am going to create a questionnaire to get feedback and see if other people feel I need to change anything in particular.


Magzine Cover - Latest Draft

This is the latest draft of my magazine cover.
This will be amended later today/tomorrow

Latest Prezi Presentation

This is the latest version of my Presentation on Teaser trailer forms and conventions
This will be amended later today/tomorrow

Thursday 24 March 2011

Feedback on our Website.

okay.. So today Connor and I today presented what we had done with the website to the class, so heres the feedback we got from the media class (There will be further feedback when soon, when we get replies to our questionairre..

1. Looks much better than what it did before.
2. Get rid of the red bar at the bottom..
3. position the count down timer in like a bomb image..
4. Have a red boarder round the main content of the page
5. Position the social networking buttons better.
6.The font looks really good
7. The roll over images are good.

The right Honourable MS... and CW

Website design

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Damn you after effects,. Damn you!!

Soo at the moment I have been trying to render the cctv shot from after effects and put it into Premiere.. BUTT NOOO.. it hates me! It just crashes when rendering.. AHHH!!! 

Also Patricks Camera has the worst video format what my computer can't open up at all and keeps freezing premiere..

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Columbine Tragedy Mr Gray HW

This is the prezi presentation that we made Piyal and Patrick.

Filming Today

Today after school our group met up in town outside the Said Business School to re-film the walk when the bomber enters the building with his briefcase in hand. We did this due to the feedback we received once we had shown our draft to the rest of our class. They felt Conor had a limp in his walk in this scene which was a distraction to them focussing on the teaser trailer. We therefore filmed the scene again with a different actor (who didn't have a limp) making improvements to the quality of the shot at the same time. We also added another shot in which Conor and our other actor "Abbz" exchanging the briefcase, which will be added in before-hand.

We will now look at these shots on the computer and see if we can make them work together. Also some plans Matty and myself have talked about involve a possible zoom in black-out for one of the titles to show good transition skills.

Post by PG

Filming: Happy Birthday MS, PM and CW

2nd Presentation of chosen evaluation question

I have made the ajustments as laid out in the previous post.
I have replaced the Speed trailer with the Faster teaser which has several good points of comparison with our teaser

1st Presentation of chosen evaluation question

This is the first draft of my Prezi presentation for one of the evaluation questions.
The improvements suggested by Mr. Wroe are:

1. Need to refer specifically to teaser trailers
2. The videos need to be teaser trailers NOT full length trailers
3. Label each teaser trailer with the title of the film
4. Grammatical Errors

I will amend and then post the new presentation today.

Sunday 20 March 2011

3rd Draft Magzine Cover

I have made the changes suggested by Mr. Wroe and I outlined in my last post.

One of these have been to the title - Blockbuster sounds like a magazine that would be similar in content to Empire and Total Film and would meet their conventions i.e. would celebrate film rather than criticise; look at big budget films not just arthouse cinema.

I have changed the grammatical errors and finally the colours so all of the text was move easily visible

2nd Draft Magazine Cover

I have made the following changes to the first draft of my magazine cover:

1. Image - I wanted an image that reflected the action-thriller genre. I chose an explosion as a bomb is at the heart of the film. Given the events of the past week, I had to carefully choose my image so that it would not be offensive. I also was not keen on the old image as it didn't reflect what is happening in the film.

2. Star - I needed an image of the "star" but as Jonny is not recognised as a celebrity, I thought it would be interesting to mix him into the explosion. This also mean't I had to change the headline to reflect the "mysterious" nature of a brand new star. It is a more Unique Selling Point than the original poster image.

3. Tagline(s) - I wanted to link this in into the image. As it is difficult to see who the star is, the tagline should reflect this. The other taglines are generic film magazine taglines that are more interested in promoting films rather than challenging or criticising them.


1. Change the title to a fictional one.
2. Change the colour of the taglines so they are more easily visible
3. Grammatical errors.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Website research (True Grit)

So right from the off http://www.truegritmovie.com/intl/uk/index.php (The website for the film True Grit) you are subjected to the movies soundtrack, shortly after you are confronted with the Trailer for the film and then after you have dismissed/closed this it has a continuous soundtrack continuing from the film.

Asides from the music the website is pretty simple, it has links to Reviews, Photography and the other standard things from movie websites and it is a very generic film website.

Things I like:
The Slogan ''Punishment comes in one way or another'' which fits nicely with the soundtrack which has the like ''Tell em' a gods gonna cut em' down'' and the typography of which is very good.

The dynamic bulletholes which you see appear on the website with blood coming out of them.

Things I dont like: It is very generic and it has all the things which other websites have.

BUT, what this means for our project is that we don't nessacerily have to deviate from this standard form for a website and just change it according to our genre. but also we can add more things specific to our film which could even set us ahead of the quality of this particular production

CW, happy MS?

Friday 25 February 2011

Poster Work

Yesterday morning Piyal, Matty, Jonny and myself all went to Matty's house. We had a green screen set up so we could do some photos for the poster. Jonny being the main character in our film was the person we were taking photos of and we had him doing different poses. These were the photos we took:

Later in the day after doing some more filming Piyal and I chose the image we thought would best fit into our poster and developed that image and the poster around it.

Firstly using Photoshop we cut out the green screen and made this area transparent so that when we moved the image onto the poster we would just have the outline of Jonny rather than a square box with green mixed in. This then went onto the poster we had made before with red clouds instead of the black ones and also a blood dripping effect on the letters to make it seem more genre related.

However we didn't feel it looked right simply as an image on a cartoon style background so we played around with the effects and found one we thought looked really good.

We then added the other titles, including the names of the two main characters and the catch lines for the film. However we are still missing the "SUMMER 2012" and the small writing that will say "A PPM Production, by Patrick Greenberg, Matthew Springett, Piyal Matilal and Conor Whitehouse". We have left these out at the moment A. Because we don't know where to place them
B. Because we want to use a different font for the "SUMMER 2012" and I want to talk to the others to get an opinion on which this should be.

I feel this is a good response to the feedback we received in class about our 1st draft as we have inserted a second image, added colour, are going to use more than one type of font and made both titles fully in capital letters whilst at the same time keeping the themes we liked about it in the first place by keeping it in a cartoon style. As well as this we have followed conventions by using catch lines and putting the names of the main actors in smaller font above the title of the film.

PG and PM

Wednesday 23 February 2011

magazine cover

This is a basic draft of the magazine cover for Total Film. I will edit this later on but at this point, it contains some of the key elements that I will keep for the new draft.

The magazine has to incorporate several key elements such as:
1. Masthead - Title of magazine so the audience is aware of what the magazine is called
2. Sub-heading - This is to give further detail on the magazine's content and elaborate on the theme. In this case it is a modern film magazine and the tagline "The Modern Guide to Movies" helps confirm this. This makes Total Film distinctive from magazines such as "Sight and Sound" which focus on older, classic films.
3. Main Headline
4. Barcode - Is a standard convention of all magazines
5. Price and Date - This needs to be included to inform the readers

The main headline is obviously about our film. The main image is taken from the early draft of the poster. However, in future, we may use images of the stars (Matty or Jonathon) as this is what magazines do to sell the magazine to their target audience. Stars are important of getting an audience outside the target audience and the bigger the star, the more likely that you will getting more sales.

The headline is designed to focus on the biggest film at that point in time. This again may change as we may add a more catchy tagline that perhaps is even a pun on the title.

The next major headline below this is the Summer preview which links into our film. The Oscars headline is trying to attract an audience who perhaps do not like blockbusters film. The remaining headlines are designed are focusing on big films (except for my headline!) to further attract and capture the film-loving audience.

As this is a commercial magazine, most of the headlines reflect films in a positive light.

We will perhaps change the colours although the red, black & white tie in nicely with the poster. However, the purple and yellow will probably be changed. Also, I think the font is rather dull and may need to be changed

Four Lions Website Research

Carrying on with my research into the designs, layout and styles of websites, I decided to take a look at 'Four Lions'  Its not really our genre, its more of a comedy, but its an Action Comedy, so its close enough!..

 YAY!.. On the outside it looks like a much more realistic website to make for us, than what the other 2 websites I have analyzed so far.

 The main thing what catches your eye straight away is the large image of the creepy crow with a bomb attached to it looking around, its a little fuzzy being a flash video on repeat. The image is meant to add to the genre of the film being a comedy, but it gives me the shivers!.. It would of been cool if like you could interact with the Crow, like the head would follow the mouse around, or you could click on it and it will flap its wings and squark at you.. Thats always fun for a few minutes at least!

The content of the page  all flys on from the sides into the final positions, the text does dissolve in before flying accross though but its a very quick process. Shmooth.

On the homepage there is very little information, and all the content it does have is majority in the middle of the screen. It is largely dominated by a bright green Radial gradient with the white center making the content in the page more reader friendly. The designers of the site have played the risk card, using a slightly darker green colour for the links, which works well, just.. the last link (Reviews) you can just about see. The links are slightly different to the other websites I have looked at, having a where to watch link.. (Do people need to be told that)..As with the other films websites, it also incorporates rollover text links, what change colour when mouse is hovering over them. The website also like the others they center and try and direct the audience to buy the dvd/blu ray.. (Do people really check film websites, if they want to buy it, surely if they were looking to buy, they would just go straight to Amazon)..

 The whole site is just ONE page, clicking on the page, just changes the content on the page, well not the whole page, the main image of the crow remains there looking around in the same place, while the title and the buying the dvd/ blu ray image move to the top of the page, while 'On DVD and blu-Ray August 30' and the link bar moves down, to make way for the content go into the middle of it. Clever.

Right next to the title are 4 black silhouette images of 4 still action shots, Exciting.. but not only that, placing your mouse over an individual image, and BAM..  the individual image does a little action.
The first guy with a rocket launcher- fires a rocket up and past the Crow.
The second guy, sitting.. rasises his arm up..
The third guy, with the briefcase does a crazy little run..
The fourth guy, fires a cartridge of bullets into the air..
Now this links with the film because these actions actually happen in the film. So its not just any random images, its a marks and spencers image.. ha no but they are related images and actions.

Sooo.. Its Half term, yet I've the only one who posted on this blog.. wheres the commitment lads!! MS

Tuesday 22 February 2011

So after getting feedback on our website design from last time. Well this one is a complete different design, I haven't added a background at the moment, because I'm having trouble positioning it correctly... I want to get rid of the black cloud blob.. and move the buildings lower down.. as at the moment it gets in the way of the text,l so yeah thats why it hasn't got a background..

So what I have done on this is to have bars what are stuck to the the bottom and the top of the page.. because that always makes it look neat. So I did this using css style sheet  on a div. and I have also changed the font to the font we are using on all of our pieces..

The main thing I've been trying to do apart from the background is to have the text in the middle, but so that its length is the same length as the title.. if you get what I am saying...

Ohh also the links are rollover images! WOW!..

feedback please..
1 month to my birthday MS

Monday 21 February 2011

Green Zone movie website


Now Green zone has a very clever site. On arrival to the page, you are welcomed by a welcome page, a page.

The clever people among you will notice, that I had to some considerable zooming out to give more of an idea of what treasures this website beholds. Its different to a normal welcome page you normally get on websites, in the fact it has a whole load of content on it.. Basically all the content on the separate pages put into one, so for lazy people who don't like clicking on links, they can view it all on one page... Clever.

The page uses an action shot background in the top half of the screen, with the protagonist character on the left and 3 smaller seperate action shots on the right, split up with the information.

Heading the page it has the attention grabbing text, the name of the film, the famous world known films previously directed by the director - connoting to the audience that the film will be good, further backed up by detailing the award winning actor in the film.

The link bar then has links for the photo gallery, synopsis, cast, product features and a link to enter the site.. Not that you need to enter it to get any more content.

As like many other film websites it tries its hard sells on the audience, with the trailer in the middle and telling them all about the discs that they can buy, so that they can watch it at home!.. Yay.

Then it goes about and has all the content from the website, in there only little compartments with a different background image behind each one. Fancy.

On apparently clicking on the button to enter the site..
after some loading site nonsense.

You get to the main sites homepage, which is just a fancy flash version really. In keeping with the synoposis of the film, the viewer is presented with a green radar map, where the user can choose where they want to go on the site... Ohhh interactive!.. They clearly have money to burn. Good colour co-ordination skills though!..

So far what I have been finding out from researching websites, are that they are all fancy, and interactive, made using lots of different programming languages, like flash and JavaScript, I for one can't code in them.. I can do HTML and supposedly I can programme in php.. But Im sure My computing teacher will tell you that Im not very good at it!!

Actions movie websites, tend to use little array of colours.. they stick with a certain number of colours.. round about 5.

But I have learnt how the websites are layed out and how they have a relevant background image, and how the centre of attention is on the trailer and buying the dvd/ Blu Ray...

Having text but pictures too.. because no one likes to read a busy website!..

Reporting for duty, actually wait I've already reported for duty.. MS

Sunday 20 February 2011

Visual poster feedback

OK so basically, I thought Conor and I would visualise for Patrick what our feedback on his poster, and how adding a little bit of colour and an action shot could do there first draft of a poster.

So obviously this was done very quick just as an example, to show the others. But we think just the tiny but of colour we have added to this poster, gives it just that little bit extra that it was lacking.
we havent fully managed to show what we mean by having the red flashing light at the bottom ( like the flashing light you see in films with bombs).. we wanted it so that it would give some glow.. to the 'Summer 2011', which we havent quite managed in this quick attempt, but we hope they will get the idea of what we mean.. If they did think it was a good idea.. obviously it would be done alot better, than me just using shapes..

Also the action shot image of someone running, kinda works, but somethings not right about it.. we wanted it too look like the runner was coming out of the shadows.. but we're sure we can get a better picture for that, but we defiantly think its better than just having lots of text there.

At the moment, we think this draft lacks emotion, so that the audience aren't drawn into the tense emotion that the film is about, As we mentoioned about in the post about unstoppable so we think on how to improve this we could add real emotion to the poster.

Yours Faithfully - I hate that it makes people sounds like they are servants. MS and CW

Unstoppable poster

Furthering our research on posters I thought I would take a look at a Similar kind of storyline, well in the fact that its got the possibility of killing millions and that they have to try and stop it!..

I really like the colours they have used on this poster, to me it shows a real tense action film. Whilst also drawing the audience to look at the poster, in like the same way, people are drawn to look at fire, where you just have to look at it.

For the title which is in the middle of page, which is unusual for what I have seen. But it is cleverly done, as if it is a speeding train on fire, clever!..

As what seems the norm in lots of posters I've seen the main characters are at the top.. In the same font as the title

The images used are enthralling and exciting, mixing the main characters (clearly with loads of make up and photoshopped) up with the action shots, the use of the characters not only show who they have managed to pay to do be in the film, but it adds emotion to the poster, which draws the audience into the story. And as its based on a real life story (apparently). It gives a more appealing look rather than just a top production company doing a big explosive film.

And has all the writing no one reads at the bottom.. Along with the due date..

Thats all from me for now folks. MS

Saturday 19 February 2011

Unstoppable movie FAIL

Okay So Carrying on with my website research! I thought I would have a look at a similar film to ours.
'Unstoppable'!.. So you know google was finding it for me, so I was like Hmm WIKI will show me where to go, and there at the bottom, it says 'Official website' and in the bottom bar.. it tells me  http://www.unstoppablemovie.com/ .. So I said YAY to myself and clicked on it.. and then expecting to see an amazing flash website. But NOO.. I am taken to to there site on Amazon.. umm what, Pesky Wikipedia uploaders.
but I persisted and carried on looking using there facebook website! But there it linked me to the same site.

So basically www.unstoppablemovie.com just auto directs the audience to Amazon. The only reason I can think why they would do that, is just to save money on getting people to code a website for them, which is just a poor excuse, its like trying to force people to buy the Blu Ray!.. I'm pretty sure DVD is still more popular than Blue Ray! If people wanted to buy it then, they would just Amazon search it themselves.. they don't need to be directed there!.. GAH!..

^^ YOU FAIL UNSTOPPABLE! love from a disgruntled customer! MS

The Other Guys website research.

So I'm back to talking about my favourite film at the moment, The Other guys, but not just the other guys, but the other guys website!.. Now this is a fancy flashy, lots of movement website.

The website starts with a full screnflash video of the motion poster I mentioned in a post before. Which can be skipped if you wanted to.
It then ends up on here..

The main image is of the main 2 protagonist characters of the film. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, this image takes up the majority of the screen (It also is the image that they use on the film posters.) The smoke effect in the background is constantly moving while the characters in the foreground are static)

The website also shows the title of the film in large noticeable font, just incase the people viewing the website, don't know what website it is..  It also has the names of Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell above, and below the title, it has about the dvd and blueray.

In the top left corner of the website it has a featured box, which is basically a quick link to the trailer. The way they have presented this, shows that its what they most want you to look at.

The link bar contains the links.. 'About the film'... 'Videos'... 'Photos'.. 'Downloads'... 'Cadet Academy'... 'Twitter game'

When  your mouse rolls over, the links on the page the text of the link becomes white but also it has a roll over sound what sounds like a gun jamming. (so you can make a cool little tune when moving the mouse over the links.. yeah!) But if it annoys you, what I'm sure it could the site lets you mute it. Also for 'About the film' on roll over you get a horizontal drop down menu.. below 'Story'.. 'Cast'.. 'Crew'

Facebook has taken the internet by storm, with 500 million active users on facebook, the website can get more visitors to their site, by including a 'Like' button what connects with the audiences facebooks, where the like will show up on there profile so that there friends. They also have share buttons for some of the internets social network sites, to share the link on there. This can also increase there audience, The clever thing with this is that its a form of advertising without having to pay!.. Clever!..

When clicking on view trailer.. it darkens the screen and pop ups a flash video player.. which remains dead in the centre of the screen. even when scrolling!!.. Clever.

About the Film - Story
In this page, it shows the drop down menu under, about the film. The page goes over the smoke effect, but loses the action shot photo, it moves the title below the text. At the top of the page it has a wide picture, which is a shot from the film. and the text below. It also has a related  box..

Lots of research! MS

Website feedback

Ok so the design we made was a very very rough quick design. So not much feedback to report on it.
The main part of our background was the building background that Patrick had made. Which not only works well with the website as well. Images were also used to create the text for the website links, this was done because the font won't work on most computers, as they don't have the font installed on the computer, so the web browser would convert the text, to some boring normal one.

So the feedback.
Conors idea is that we could include a bomb timer in the corner, counting down the days until our supposed film will be out. So we would use an image of a bomb, with a clock what counts down. We all agreed this would be a good idea, if we could work out how to do it, as it will emphasise the film.

That we should use the same font as the poster.

Have little action silhouettes.

Roll over stuff.

Have the background remain static, and have a box which scrolls down (leaving the links static at the top too)..

So thats basically all the feedback, which can defiantly be included. But more research needs to be done on websites.

Its half term- Im doing work- Amazed! MS

Extra Poster feedback.

They liked the colours that Patrick and Piyal had used, that its like a poster what could cheaply be mass produced and looks like the posters that see in the Londons underground!.
Something a bit like this. ( I know its an old pic, but it shows the general idea)

They liked the style of font that they used, and commented on its consistance and suitability to the poster.
They also liked the effect that the had used, which made the effect on the cloud look effective for the poster.
The feedback me and Conor gave (but not noted)
We felt there should be some bit of colour, we suggested that maybe the red flashing light of the bomb should be at the bottom (in the dark middle bit).. which could like give a little glow to some of the writing at the bottom, which will give it that extra something. 

As Patrick has already noted about, we said about having an action shot, but didnt go into further about it. We suggested an action shot, to show the audience what type of film it is, to give excitement and tension to the poster. We suggested shots such as like the main MI5 agen (the protagonist) in a running motion, but this could still be a silhouette in just one colour, to stick with the theme.. Or it could be like a a speeding car, the brief case, just something to give a little about the storyline away.

The big group of text in the middle of the poster should be moved to somewhere not at the center of the picture, which draws the audience to that, which isn't very important. On posters normally its like tucked away at the bottom, so it includes it but the audience isn't drawn to it.

But overall I thought it was a very good first draft for the poster.. Defiantly the use of the background!.. Which I'm sure will be in the final poster.

Written up on behalf of the whole group.. MS

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Total Film Analysis/Research

I have chosen to focus on the film magazine "Total Film". I am looking at the production details, Audience, mode of address and representation.

Total Film is produced by Future Publishing in Bath. Future produces over 150 magazines worldwide including magazines like Classic Rock, Xbox 360 Magazine and Total Guitar. Their magazines are produced in over 30 countries around the world.
Total Film is one of their biggest selling magazines with around 85-90,000 magazines sold each month. It costs £4.00 and will occasionally have free DVDs and books accompanying the magazine. It features reviews of new films and old films revisited.
It has a consistent format and layout with the following elements:
a). Cover article - the big feature of the month
b). Buzz - film gossip and news(films not yet released)
c). Reviews - reviews of cinema releases that month
d). Lounge - home entertainment news and features (near the back)
e). Reader's letters and competitions (to guarantee audience engagement)

The audience is primarily made up of young men who are film fans. Most of the letters are from men and the advertising is male-orientated. Most of the adverts support the film industry e.g. HMV, Play.com, DVDs due to be released. Men are also targeted for the classified adverts at the back for games, gadgets, technology, cars and phone sex lines. However, the magazine does claim that 25% of its readers are women.

The mode of address is playful, masculine and youthful e.g. looking at Harry Potter lego designs to see if it gives clues for the films. The magazine is not very laddish by including film references and jokes whilst not being too serious. It positions its audience as young, knowledgeable film lovers who are familiar with pop culture references and have a sense of humour

There is a bias towards men which is the same as in Hollywood. Most of the stars and directors featured are male. The women who are featured are presented as sex objects who are all attractive and sexy. It does reject laddishness that is in magazines like Zoo and Nuts. Future conducted a survey several years ago that claimed that the average demographic is 75% male and the median age is 26. The psychometric profile describes Total Film readers as dedicated film goers who see films on the opening weekend and show off their film knowledge to their mates in the pub.


Monday 14 February 2011

magazine research

I know for the ancillary tasks we are doing Posters, and the website. But I thought as a backup I thought I could do also, a magazine research and a rough draft. For my research I have been looking at couple of websites.


I have been seeing how they have been laying out, the content, the size of font and maybe other features. I will try and my own on this tomorrow using some aspects of of these websites.

Feedback on Poster

Last media lesson with Mr Wroe we showed our poster to the class and got feedback on it. I was generally quite happy with the comments we had and I now have a good idea where to take it now to improve it. The comments we had were:

- "One of the taglines is all in capital letters whilst the other only has the first letter with a capital!

- "Should mix a tiny bit of colour into it"

- "Add another image into it, possibly an action shot"

Piyal and I will take these comments into account when we meet again to re-think the posters design.

PG and PM

Wednesday 9 February 2011

film poster research

As our genre of our teaser is action/ thriller there was one thing which came to my mind researching an actual film poster and that is Casino Royale.

This is a really good poster to look at for many reason. Every aspect of this poster works means something and the attention to detail makes this poster work so well.

So we first see the Facial Expression it looks quite intense, serious and a face of thunder which means business. Bond is dressed in a stereotypical bond outfit. But it also a loose tie which might mean that is going to become a rebel and not play by the rules. He is seen as a focused guy on a mission and he wont stop till the task is done. His body language is not directly at the audience but more to the target and looks like a man to not mess around with. He doesnt look happy and he looks determined to get the job done which we can see through his facial expression and his carrying of the gun.

We also see the Bond Girl in the background. As other films he always has his lover for the film but she isnt you typical Bond girl. She looks serious and seems to be a character who isnt easy to work out if she is playing Bond or helping Bond. But looks like she will play a big part in Casino Royale.

It also has the release dates and the credits at the bottom telling us who produced this film. It has the movie company also put in on the bottom right. It shows that there has been a lot of detail put into making this poster. Covering a lot of the aspects which made it so successful in advertising Casino Royale.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

website design draft 1

Ok so this is the initial draft of the website design. I really like patricks background he and Piyal used on the poster, so I basically nicked it..
but yeah thats about the only good bit about it... it will need to be improved.. Its quite an artistic design..

I had to use images for the text as its not a web friendly text.. so people wouldnt be able to read it..

more designs to come!

It is also on my school computing account server.. but It only looks good on wide screens at the moment so yeah..

Brookes have just given me an conditional offer. GET IN MS

Repercussions Film Poster

After school today Piyal and I met up to create a film poster. Piyal had already created one earlier today. We wanted to include all the conventions of a possessional poster and relate it to our film.

The photo is one I took in the same area as some of the London shots we took for the film (as shown below).

Piyal and I then decided black and white looked really good and therefore got the typewriting text to go with it.

PM and PG