Friday 1 October 2010

" I really want to do a comedy teaser trailer "

Ok there the title said it...

Over the past few weeks we have been cracking down to researching, mind mapping, note taking, podcasting, ( well recording it will have to get the audio up here soon... if the internet wants to make it easy for me ) arguing etc. We've even as an creative idea decided to do a rap explaining our project, although thats early stages and that might not even happen.

So I decided to name the title of this blog mainly to explain how we've got to where we are...

Our group main aim has always to make a teaser trailer what will actually tempt an audience to want to watch, it to produce an exciting storyline what will excite the audience and want to watch more, to find out more, to answer the questions they may have as a result of the trailer. e.g ' Ohh my, whats going to happen, I must watch to find out, it looks like such a good trailer" < Yeah that sort of thing..

So basically me and Patrick were planning to do several videos over the summer holidays, but with my more health during it, that wasn't achieved, but we had come up with ideas and did a few practice shots ( I might upload some of them later) But that was where our planning for our project started.

Patrick had just realized over the summer that he has a basement in his house, he may of knew about it before but it hit him over the summer, what a good room it was for filming in; it was a just room back to basics, stone floor and walls, cold, murky, cob webby,with blinking lights and 'moving shadows'. This is where our first idea came about, the idea of Torture and interrogation. The appearance of the room was perfect for where we perceive just situations to take place.Where there is no natural light, no where to escape and no one to hear your screams.

So then as a group we researched the torture idea, the different types of tortures, who? why people torture etc. it was during these discussions, where probably joking about ideas, where an idea of a plot line about a bomb came about ( probs from one of us joking about bombing someone) this then expanded to more ideas related to do with the bomb, with one of our main ideas to come out of it, was a constant timer running, the beep, the deafening noise increasing through out the film, to build up tension, so not reveal too much, but tease the audience into wondering.

From then on we have expanded on the idea of the bomb, coming up with possible story lines, possible scenarios, mind mapping many an ideas for motives, who, where, when how. To do the bomb plot we have decided that best locations, suitable for us, would be the city of London, with the large skyrise office buildings, which we believe will create much greater tension, as more terror will be created, due to the large scale effect a bomb will have, whereas we cant think of any suitable places in Oxford what will create such an effect.

Heres a Photograph taken by Patrick of what we mean by the types of buildings we visualize being a ideal location for a film with a bomb.

Patrick's photography skills could easily be perceived as a work of a professional photographer. Patrick has produced a wide range of, well to me amazing photography, I would highly recommend people to view his skills at...
Patrick has an expert eye on framing a shot and exerting an effective use of focus on the images.

Now this is where I differ from the others in the group, I favour comedy films over all others, I largely base if I watch on a film, if its a comedy,  I have always loved comedy and is a characteristic of mine, therefore I see making films in a different way. While they like there actions and horror films, watching a trailer of one of these genres would not interest me to go and watch it, for example Avatar although it may be an amazing film, It hasnt ever tempted me to go and watch it as its not my genre but if there's a trailer what makes me laugh, then I will want to watch it. So in my view I would find it much easier to make a comedy and get a laugh than an action and be able to build up enough tension to incise people to go and watch it, I feel at the moment I wont like the end result as much as the others, as its not a film, I would watch..
But the ideas we are generating at the moment are very good, I just feel we are lacking uniqueness as several recent films have used a bomb(s) as a plotline, and believe that some of our ideas are coming from similar films we watched. nonetheless we are working well producing lots of work and the outcome should be very good.

Saint MS

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