Monday 18 October 2010


Representation is a key part of how we will be filming our characters. It builds up the characters in films and the label of how they portrayed by the audience through out. Representation on the one hand, as we are doing a teaser trailer, we don't want to give all of the film away through the teaser trailer but on the other hand we need to portray some of the main characters and give the audience a clear understanding of who is who and what sort of lines they will go down or just inclins of what they coul do in the film. I was reading a blog just now about (half way down on June the second 2010) what implication different social media representations of people have on society. The things they see in the media influence how we portray certain groups in society. As we are going towards an bomb idea we have to think about how we portray each character and what parts we show of them to best fit there role.


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