Saturday 2 October 2010

Potential storyline

The wonders of emerging technology that I can just copy and paste a convo we had straight on to the blog! So below I have copied a part of our chat, where Patrick was voicing his concerns about our current plan of action and suggested a new potential idea. Take a look.. I even coloured it!

Saint MS and PG

12:16:51 Patrickwhat did u make of the idea
12:17:17 Patricki sort of thought last night why arent we doing a con artist style thing
12:18:59 Matthew Its good, if we can get a story line behind it.. but I do want the trailer to include lots of technical stuff.. Obviously I would prefer it too fit the criteria of a teaser trailer, but I would choose showing off skills over it fitting the criteria..
12:19:27 Patrickis it not possible to do both rather than choosing
12:20:20  MatthewI'm not saying choose, but I mean if we're having problems on deciding stuff.. I would prefer for it to be technologically good rather than fit the criteria and be simply made..
12:20:42 Patrickok
12:21:23 Matthewcause it fitting the criteria is such small marks.. like Lilys and Robyns didn't fit it at all but still got an A*
12:23:16 Patricki know and i can see why theirs did get an A* cos it was amazing, and i think we have the ability to get that sort of grade as well if we keep working hard at it, though it would be even better than theres if it was that good and fitted the criteria
12:24:35 MatthewJust seeing someone walk, nudging and then smiling at the moment doesnt seem it will show off our skills (by ours I mean mine and yours) to a level we can do
12:25:55 Patricki thought of that when i came up with the idea though i think what i was trying to get at was that we can and probably should make our piece a lot less complex
12:27:30 Patricki think we could still use the bomb idea but i think we are starting to overload the storyline and may end up with a lot of stuff we want to put into it which would make it like an actual trailer rather than a teaser
12:28:47 MatthewYeah I agree and I think our film is becoming too similar to other films.. But I do like the idea of a con artist film plot..
12:29:47 Patrickyeah and the thing with that is we could any type of short con and you'd could already amuse the audience
12:30:32 MatthewI like it!
12:30:35 Patrickwe could do a complicated short con idea that the audience wouldn't understand until the very end
12:31:02 Matthewand that could have mild comedy in it.. I really like it
12:32:05 Patrickwe may also get away with using teenagers as actors to break conventions as well, though it may depend on what type of con it is
12:34:49 Matthewwhat about the idea, of a wannabe conman, but keeps on failing..soo like he thinks hes got away with doing something thing like nicking a purse when he opens it, its got nothing in and when he turns around he sees the other person waving his wallet back at him
12:36:30 Patrickyeah could do summin like that

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