Tuesday 19 October 2010

Media Representation

Today I went to see Slumdog Millionaire and what interested me was how they represented each character in this story. What was interesting was that they didn't go with convention in easily portraying each character. What they did with some of the characters they made them switch from being a bad character to a good character and vis verser. Normally in films the characters are established very quickly but by confusing the audience it added something extra to the film which might have not been the case if it went down the conventional route.

What I thought was that we used some elements of that in our trailer. Admittedly they shown this through a whole film not through a trailer but we could snippets of how we could portray the characters which would be gripping and exciting. By not going down the conventional route it would challenge the audience to follow the story line and make them want to watch the film as they would be having question in there heads which would need answering. The only way it could be answered is by watching the film. That is the sort of line we could go down.

On the back of watching Slumdog Millionaire I decided to do some research into Media Representation. I feel that this diagram is the thing that we need to focus on when we are looking at the representation of the characters in our teaser trailer. We always need to be answering these question to justify what we will be filming.

The text which is above the diagram talks about the representation of different people. It talks about the "cage" concept and the "gaze" concept and how that influences an audience and how they see each other which links to the work Mr Gray was doing with us last lesson about Representation and the different concepts.


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