Friday 29 October 2010

Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell's theory was to try and "unlock human responses to narrative patterns". Campbell had a passion for mythology he even went as far as seeing the patterns of his own thinking and getting into the minds of people around him.

He wrote famous books like "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" where he thought some of his students at University and he used popular thinking and he started to comparative mythology where he used the study of the human impulse to create stories and images to try and build a picture of them. This sort of work is frequently used as police work is all about building a picture of what happened to try and get to a successful conclusion to there investigations.

Unsurprisingly some of his work also links in with psychology as he really wants to get to mind of how effectively the brain works. He also looked at the sides of religion and how that effects in how we look they look at things differently. He brings all of his work together in his book or "The Power Of Myths" where it looks at all the areas he had worked on mythological, religion, and metal states of people.

We will need to use Joseph Campbell’s theory in our teaser trailer in how we portray each character. What sort of links and believe they have which may tie in with religion and the audience needs to know what sort of metal state and pressures which make them do what they do. It is all key to build this teaser trailer.

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