Friday 29 October 2010

Research - (Pete Fraser's Blog)

I was doing some research on the back of my post yesterday about openings. I had a look at Pete Fraizer's blog to have a look at what he says about how to show opening credits effectively. I couldn't find anything specific which directly goes into that but what I did find was an interesting video, he had put up, about how much detail has to be thought about.

What he has done is explain and justify everything that is put into this video. What he does is talk about the significance of putting in effect and shot. What I learnt from watching this is that everything we film we have to justify it to an audience. We cannot put in a part because we want to we have to ask why did we put that part. We have to be able to answer that every single time. He even goes as far as justifying the colour choices he uses and the background music.

I know he put this up for Year 12s for their trailers but I feel that this will help us make a successful teaser trailer as we become more analytical and critics of our own work. As we are moving onto our story boards I can show this video off to my group and we can use the skills from that into our story board.

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